Monday, December 14, 2009

An Update

I really did not know how many folks followed this lil ole blog until I stopped posting. Suddenly my phone has started ringing again, and my email box fills up. Imagine that, by not having a blog people actually have to reach out to me!

So, here is the scoop. I was way behind in blog posts to begin with - heck, I don't even think I ever did Halloween? For Thanksgiving we went to Destin, FL with my family (my younger brother lives there), and while there my stepdad spilled diet coke on my computer. I have been without my laptop for quite a long time, hence my lack of posts. I don't think you all realize the monstrosity of a house I live in, but for me to go all the way to the basement to use that computer...well, that is just plain ridiculous!

The Geek Squad promises to have my computer back before Christmas, and then get ready for some serious updates.

In the meantime, just know we have been VERY busy! We are holiday crafting fools and make huge messes daily with glue, glitter, dough, and paper.

- I am VERY behind on both shopping and cards. The only shopping that I have almost finished is that for the kids. I know what I am buying everyone else, but not sure if by the time I actually make those purchases and mail them if they will arrive on time?

- We had a second house showing last week and are expecting a contingent offer.

- I almost want to call Drew potty trained. He began wearing big boy undies last Wednesday, and has only had one accident since. It was a big one, involving me finding him with two turds in his hand (right after a bath), but he is doing GREAT!

- Drew is still beyond gross. He loves to smell butts and feet. Today I saw him "rolling" something between his fingers. I asked what it was and he told me a booger. I stood up to get a tissue and he popped it in his mouth! I told him that was gross and he told me that he always eats his boogers. Great.

- After a rough 48 hours with Izzy after returning home from FL she is back to being her great self. She really is a great kid and an awesome big sister. The kids have been playing SO well together recently. I swear they are twins born 18 months apart.

Okay, that is all for now...


Christie said...

Glad I read this post after I already ate dinner : )

jac said...

I am SO GLAD you're back! Pete told me about the PC, I offered to get you a new one pronto if would return to posting ASAP :)

love the Drew follow-up, disgusting but cute!