Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Peeps" and not the Easter kind

Drew came down with some sort of virus on Easter. Since we were in Hilton Head I didn't really think too much of it at the time. He had a bit of diarrhea and was extra cuddly - I just assumed he was tired from a busy few days and had swallowed too much ocean water, pool water, and eaten too much Easter candy.

Here we are on Tuesday and he is basically peeing out his butt. This evening Izzy and I were sitting at the kitchen table working on her homework while Drew was on the pot. The following conversation went down...

Setting: Drew in the bathroom where all sorts of unique sounds are coming from his body.

Izzy: "Mom, is Drew pooping or peeing?"
Me: "He has diarrhea. So basically he is pooping, but it is more like he is peeing out his bottom." (how exactly does one explain this concept?)
Izzy: "Oh, cause it just sounds like he is peeing. ...again, and again."

From the bathroom Drew pipes in: "Hey, we should call it 'peeps'. Hey, Mom! We should call it 'peeps'. You know, kind of like we say 'poops', but because it is like pee coming out of my tush, we should call it 'peeps'. Get it? 'Pee - eeps'."

Me: "Yes, Drew. I get it."

Yep, that boy is going places :)


Jac said...


Mommy&Daddyof2kiddos said...

OMG Molly..he is the funniest kid!! Still laughing....