Sunday, January 22, 2012

Kid Funnies

As posted by Pete for his Facebook status:

My boy never stops making me laugh: He was playing one of his games on my iPad while sitting on the bed while I was working on my laptop. Because he is five and is never out of energy, he randomly decided to start jumping up and down on the bed with his legs straddling each side of the iPad as he lands. Recognizing this was a very bad idea, I warned him to stop and that if he breaks the iPad, it would cost us $800 dollars to replace. He stops jumping and looks up....instead of replying with the expected "oh, sorry Dad" he responds "wait, you wasted $800 on this?"

I was playing Donkey Kong Country on Wii with Drew and I told him how good he is at the game and he replied "yeah, I dominated that board and got all the bananas because that is how I should be glad I was born because, if I wasn't, you would've never got past the roller coaster board". Talking smack at 5......

This past weekend Uncle Wes came to town to visit us, as well as attend a black tie event while he was here.

Once he was ready for the event (he didn't get ready at my house) I asked him to send me a picture so I could see how handsome he looked. He sent a picture and Izzy immediately said, "let's see how hot Uncle Wes looks." ...too say I found this a little disturbing would be an understatement! When I showed it to them, Drew said, "He doesn't look hot...but don't tell him that." Izzy said, "normal".

I relayed these messages to Wes and he immediately sent over another picture. The response from the peanut gallery this time was, "he looks handsome, but not hot."

Still not good enough for Wes, so he sent a third picture. After seeing this picture...


Izzy said, "can you just tell him he looks hot now? I don't really think he does, but I'm tired of him sending over pictures!"