Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Party...a Sleepover!

Oh and what a party it was!

It was my first experience with hosting a sleepover and boy was it fun...well, maybe fun is a little extreme. I smartly (is that a word) hosted the party on a Friday night. My reasoning was that after a week of school, I would have a fighting shot at getting the girls to bed. I also thought parents would appreciate that by Sunday evening all kids should be fully recovered and ready to hit the school week running. Score 1 for mom on good planning!

Score two for mom was having only 4 girls. Izzy plus 3 friends, all whom live within walking distance, made for not too much girl drama and no stress for me should someone wake up and need to go home in the middle of the night. I could literally watch two of the girls walk home from my front door if necessary.

Score three...cute cute cute matching pj's for the girls. Might as well throw in a "score 4" here because the tops are simple tank tops from Old Navy and can be worn to school as they are within uniform guidelines.

Sleep masks were a surprise for even Izzy and who knew girls literally get giddy over sleep masks?!?

Perhaps my biggest "score" of the night was hiring a dance instructor from Izzy's old dance studio to choreograph a routine for the girls from a song of Izzy's choosing. This was by far the BEST money I spent on the party because it allowed me an hour to separate myself from the extremely high decibel level! ...even better was that the moms of the party guests came to share a glass of wine and watch the performance.

After the dance number, the girls watched a bit of the movie Annie and then headed to bed. Asleep by 10:30 and up at 6:15. I didn't get out of bed til 7 so not too bad. After a breakfast of pancakes, donuts (delivered by a party guest's dad at 8:15) and some packing all guests were gone by 10.

Izzy took a 2 hour nap around 3 (we woke her up so she would go to bed) and then asked to go to bed at 8:45. All in all the party was a huge success...loud, but a success!

Party guests with Izzy:

Gearing up for the dance party with Trina, the instructor.





We had pizza for dinner (I love her expression in this picture).

Followed by ice cream cake for dessert.


Getting ready for bed...

...I'm fearful of these two in the they are kissing their stuffed animals!

Someone just found out he isn't sleeping in the playroom with the girls. So sad.


~aj~ said...

This is one of the cutest parties I've ever heard of. Wish there was video of their little dance number...I bet it was stinking adorable!

Poor Drew in that last pic! :)