Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Home Again, Home Again...

We just returned from a fantastic trip. We spent 4 days in Hilton Head, followed by 4 days in Orlando, FL. We had originally planned a trip to Hilton Head to meet up with our Cleveland friends (the same ones we went to Disney with in January). Perhaps the only "upside" to Pete's weekly travel is his new territory includes lots of great beaches! ...and who doesn't love a quick beach getaway?

It was after our trip to HH was on the books that I found out my step-dad, Al, was planning a 65th birthday party for my mom. While I was sad we wouldn't get to beach it for a week, I was super excited to see my brothers! It turned out that HH was the perfect stopping point on the way to Orlando - halfway ;-)

For those of you that know me you will be surprised to hear that one of my biggest concerns was what to do with Chloe? I knew she would be welcome at my mom's house, but how would she do on a long car ride? The bigger question was what to do with her in Hilton Head? I certainly didn't want to board her in G'boro for 10 days when really she only needed to be in a kennel for 3? Not only would it be super expensive, but I would feel so sad for our Chlo-Chlo.

Call me crazy, but I spent alot of time on the phone and internet researching kennels in and around Hilton Head. Keeping her in our room was not really an option - my idea of a vacation is not waking up to quickly take a dog outside to do it's business and then bring her back into a room while she is all hyped up only to have her wake the kids. Catch my drift? Plus we'd never travelled anywhere with her and I didn't think a hotel would be a good trial run. I am happy to report that I found a wonderful little place that got rave reviews online, and the staff patiently answered each and every one of my many questions. Chloe was a CHAMP traveller in the car! She slept right between the kids almost the entire drive and when we stopped she got out, did her business and got right back in. Love that dog!!!

So, I've got lots of pictures to sort, and as soon as I do then you will all be the first to see them!

*on a sidenote - while I was gone my blog2print book came. It is FANTASTIC! For those who don't know what I am talking about, I had the first year of my blog printed in a book. I love it so much that I can't wait to have 2009 printed. So while I know I have REALLY slacked when it comes to blogging lately, I am going to make a better effort to do so because I really love how the book turned out and I know it is something I will cherish having when I am old. Heck, I was flipping through 2008 with the kids and laughing at some of the funny stuff that happened. I am so forgetful so it is so nice to have the book - and the kids LOVED looking through it as well.

So get ready for me to knock your socks off - I've got lots to talk about!


Alisha said...

welcome home! i want to see your book!!!

mike said...

you know you can look at the 2008 section online, without the book? ;)

the even have this thing called the internet on computers now!

Jac said...

Can't wait! So glad you had a great trip!

Christie said...

I didn't know about the blog book thing - great idea. Looks like you guys had a blast at HH!