Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Kindergarten Girl

Oh, say it isn't so! For 5 years Izzy has been my almost "constant" companion. My little shadow...if she didn't carry the title of my daughter then I might just call her my best friend :-)

It is no secret that a couple weeks ago I had a major "boo hoo" moment. I had a big cry - not a long cry (though I think it did come periodically over the course of a few days) but rather an ugly cry. You know the one...big alligator tears, dripping snot wiped with a sleeve, ugly moans coming from deep within...the kind you do either alone or in the presence of another mom going through exactly the same emotions. ...these were tears that even my husband didn't witness.

I am SO SO SO (could list a heck of a lot more "so's") happy to report that Izzy ROCKED her first day! These past few weeks we have not talked too much about school. I have tried not to freak her out by making a huge deal. It was in moments when the two of us were cuddling where we would casually discuss school. I told her that it was okay to be nervous and scared and shared that I was nervous and scared for her to go to school. I told her how proud I was of her and what an awesome kid she is, but that I was going to miss her something fierce while she was gone. I gave her the option to stay home with me forever or go to school (a place that I LOVED as a kid) and have lots of fun learning and making new friends. Well, I lost out.

I may not be the worlds best parent. I have certainly made many parenting mistakes! But one thing I know for certain is that Pete and I have sure done good with this kid! SHE IS AWESOME!!!

Here is my girl with a breakfast of champions. She had mini blueberry muffins and maybe ate one small bite...of one!

Getting ready to hit the road - posing for a couple pictures.


Waiting in line outside the school for the doors to open. School doors open at 7:30. YUCK!

Posing for a pick with RC

Saying goodmorning to Mr. H - the principle. LOVE HIM!!!

Izzy wanted to stop and greet Speckles and Pancake (frogs) at the top of the stairs that lead to the Kindergarten wing. It was at this point that I noticed Izzy's dress was on backwards. She said, "I thought it was on backwards, but it is just a bunch of stripes." I told her she could leave it, but she opted to turn it around.

Finding her room!
Have I mentioned that Izzy has the most wonderful Kindergarten teachers? You walk into the classroom and just feel love. It is just warm and cozy. I have always said Izzy is just like my Grandma...kind, gentle, warm and nurturing. You know what? Izzy's teachers are also just like my Grandma! Izzy is in good hands :-) and that makes this Mama's heart feel good!

...and isn't it always nice once you get to your classroom to see a friend. Laci is a friend Izzy met our very first summer here. She is one of the nicest little girls I know. She comes from good people!

I am super excited to be taking this Kindergarten journey with Izzy. Not only do I think she is a really neat kid, but I think she has a couple of really great teachers. I am a conflicted mess of emotions - so sad that my girl is growing up so quickly, yet so excited to see all the fun things she will experience in Kindergarten.