Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Icky Sicky Poo-poo

What's a boy to do on a day when he feels like this?


Bake and frost cookies of course!


Yesterday Izzy had her 6 year well visit (we just returned from a whirlwind weekend of fun in Greensboro late Sunday night) and while she is as perfect as can be, Drew is not. He didn't even want to eat any ice-cream after dinner...


Drew and I were at Izzy's school for her Valentine's Day party when he began to cough while sitting on my lap. I felt his head and immediately knew he had a fever. As luck would have it, I was taking Izzy with me after her party for her 6 year well visit. We hustled out of the party and headed to the doctor.

While Izzy was getting her physical, I asked the nurse to take Drew's temp. 103! Yup, nothing like being the new patients in town and causing problems from the get-go. While Izzy had her well visit, Drew got a flu test done as well as a strep test. He was less then thrilled with a q-tip shoved up his nose and another shoved down his throat, but what's a mom to do?

While Drew tested positive for strep. Izzy's stats are as follows:

weight: 40.2 lbs placing her in the 21%. (Drew weighed in at 40.2 as well).

height: 42.75 in. placing her in the 10%.

update on 2/16 Drew is still sick and his fever has yet to break. He is holding steady between 102.8-104. He has had 4 doses of antibiotics and I'm hoping he will take a turn for the better soon. As I type this he is outside riding his scooter with Izzy. I don't think he wants to be outside, but his sister wasn't taking "no" for an answer. Hopefully the fresh air will do him some good.


jac said...

Poor lil' guy! I hope he feels better soon and his temp breaks!

They way the exact same?! Crazy!

Anonymous said...

Timmy had strep too, on the hundredth day of school. No fever, just a slightly elevated temp of 100.
He was so happy when the doc said he had to stay home from school, but the next two days were snow days!
Chris is having surgery on his jaw/tooth on Friday, he is getting a little nervous as it gets closer.
Hugs to my sweeties!
Love Aunt Sue