Monday, June 27, 2011

Couple Quick Drew Stories

We took the kids to the beach this past weekend and Drew is beyond a natural in the water (not really a surprise for those that have seen him swim since he could walk). That kid boogie boarded like a mad man, dove through waves, jumped waves and body surfed. He took a few pretty big spills that spun him around and every time he popped right back up for more. Pete and I were so proud of him! He was awesome - and insisted on doing everything that Pete did. What I loved the most (next to see him playing "mini-me" to Pete) was that whenever anyone else caught a wave he would give them a "hang ten" sign or thumbs up as soon as you made eye-contact with him. He would celebrate every one's water victories :)

Today I had to take the kids to the dermatologist. The tables in the patient rooms are the kind with the metal stirrup holders that pull out and flip open. (Ladies you know what I am talking about, right?) Well Drew pulls them out, lifts up the stirrup parts and begins doing "arm lifts" with them. He then says, "These are so cool! Are these so the doctor can exercise while at work?" ...probably one of those things you had to be there for, but it was really funny.

If I didn't know better I would think Drew watches "Jersey Shore" in the middle of the night. When asked a question the other day he answered with a heavily accented "What-evvaaaa".

Upon spooning out a piece of cookie dough from his ice-cream he said "look at the big piece I scored!"


Jac said...

What a cute post! He cracks me up!! Please Lesotho away from any girl that looks like Snooki! ;)