Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December - Izzy

Where did our December go?

Wait, it is coming back to me...we were moving (for the 2nd December in a row), trying to prepare for Christmas, packing up one house, unpacking at another house, putting up holiday decorations (indoor and out), attending parties, entertaining family/friends, and most importantly trying not to miss out on the joy of the season!

Since I already posted pictures of Drew's holiday concert it seems only fitting that we cover some of Izzy's December highlights.

Izzy had 4 hip hop concerts she was involved in around town. One was at a retirement facility, two were at daycare centers and the big performance was downtown at Marion Square. While we have been less than impressed with the dance company (she will begin at a new place in Feb) she certainly has loved dancing with two of her best friends (who will also be switching dance companies as well). *and I use the term "company" very very loosely! At age 6 she just wants to shake her groove thing to some fun music ...nothing too serious.





This is a video of her dance at Marion Square. Since I can't see her eyes I am not sure when she stops at the beginning if it is because she is confused, looking for me (I moved spots to video) or possibly had a seizure. No biggie though - she eventually figures out what step she should be on.

and this is how Drew could be found passing the time during all the other dance numbers

I was in charge of Izzy's school holiday party, and was fortunate that many parents offered their time to help make it a huge success! Our theme was "Around the World" and it timed perfectly with Izzy's teacher's unit studying the same. It was really really neat!

Izzy and her teacher, Miss Allan.

The kids started the party by getting a chance to sample foods brought in from all around the world. While some of the kids were very adventurous with trying new foods, most gravitated to the chicken nuggets and cheetos we had on hand just so we knew they would eat something for lunch!

Izzy was probably most excited that I picked up Drew from his pj party at school and brought him along.



After lunch, Miss Allan read a couple books to the class (and Drew) while the adults set up four stations for the kids to take part in.

We played a Santa Bingo game, Dreidel (Germany), made "Year of" bracelets (China), and put cloves into oranges (Denmark).



Another fun moment was our Sunday afternoon trip to the Nutcracker (or so I had hoped it would be). Pete had to catch up on a monster load of work one weekend so I tried to keep the kids out of the house as much as possible. Thankfully it was a beautiful weekend and that wasn't too hard. After church we dropped Pete off at home and then the kids and I went to lunch and then downtown to see a kids performance of the Nutcracker.

While I wasn't too worried about it holding the kids attention (even though it was all dance and no words), what I didn't count on was it being too loud for Drew. Thankfully we were there with some friends so at intermission Drew and I headed out to King Street to do some shopping while Izzy watched the rest of the show.

Drew and I headed right across the street to the boot store. My mom had told me she wanted to buy me some Frye boots (have been drooling over them for a couple years now) for my birthday so it was the perfect opportunity to try some on. While I tried on Frye's, Drew clowned around in the boots I had worn that day.

December also found Izzy loosing her 6th tooth!

More to come, but that's enough for now...