Wednesday, April 4, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

It wasn't until I was in high school that I remember St. Patrick's Day being such a big deal. In high school one of my best friend's mom would make us a huge breakfast and then we would all head downtown on the rapid transit to the parade. The best part was that if it was a school day then our super awesome parents would let us "ditch" school!

These days schools gear up for St. Patrick's day with lots of talk of naughty leprechauns. Beginning about two weeks before the actual day, my kids talk about all the fun/naughty stuff that those leprechauns will probably do to their classrooms. Last year Izzy's class was filled with green glitter and green toilet water, as well as many items were repositioned to silly locations throughout the room.

This year, Izzy had to make a leprechaun trap. Our trap was a oatmeal container made to look like a leprechaun hat. We hung a pot of gold above the hat to entice the leprechaun up our stick ladder, and once he tried to get the pot of gold he would fall through our trap door at the top of the hat! We though for sure we were going to catch a leprechaun!





Leprechauns are known for not following instructions...



Here are the kids in their St. Patty's day attire...



So Drew - the boy can't just stand for a picture without a goofy face or crazy pose.

We didn't do anything to crazy for St. Patty's Day, but we did have some green food.

And while we totally thought we would catch a leprechaun with our super cool trap, we didn't. Darn.