Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Peace Love and Hip Hop

The week prior to the below video of Izzy's hip hop performance, she had an outdoor performance. I wasn't able to video that one because she stood in the back row, but as luck would have it she was on the far corner so I did get some shots of her. How super cute is she!





We finished up the afternoon with some face painting.


...and you can't tell in this picture, but Drew attended Izzy's performance in his Boba Fett costume from Halloween. Drew had asked me if he could wear it and I told him that I didn't care, but I needed to check with Pete. I asked Pete if he cared that Drew would be seen by many running through the streets as Boba Fett and he said, "whatever". There is something awesome about a child wanting to wear a costume out amongst the crowds...and there is something even more awesome about parents who embrace it! You go Drew...get your Boba Fett on!