Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"Swim Meet" meet "Seizure"

Tonight one of my swim meet fears came true.  Izzy didn't begin her race with the buzzer due to a seizure.  It was an away meet, against Park West.  Izzy was in lane 3 (meaning she was favored to win for her heat).  I was at the far end waiting for her to finish, while Pete was working as a timer on lane 6.   Izzy got into the ready position, but then stood up.  Once she stood up I could tell she was having a seizure.  The buzzer signaled for the start of the race and Izzy stood frozen.  My heart sank - and I tear up now recalling it to type - I knew she would start late, if she started at all?  What was probably only 5 seconds felt like an eternity!  The timer in lane 3 happened to be our neighbor and she recognized what was happening immediately.  A couple other neighbors were standing near me and noticed as well.  Thankfully once Izzy snapped out of her seizure she dove right in!  By golly if that girl doesn't have heart!  She kicked and pulled like no ones business and managed to finish second.  I WISH I would have had it on video just so she could see what an amazing job she did.

I don't think I have ever been more proud (well I probably have but this was a really awesome feeling) of her and how well she swam.  The mom in me wanted to grab her a first place ribbon and give it to her ...cause she certainly swam like a winner that race.

These seizures sure do suck...but Izzy reminds me through her actions that they don't define her.  She sure is one awesome kid.