Thursday, June 14, 2012

We Have a 2nd Grader!

Today was Izzy's last day of 1st Grade.

Not only did I have to get Izzy off to her final day as a first grader, but I had to get myself up and ready as well.  At 8 am I needed to be seated in her classroom for "Research Roundup".  Each student (thankfully only 16/20 were there) had to present a research project.  Izzy's paper was titled, "All About Dogs".  I was amazed at how much information was gathered for this project.  Each paper had a title page, author's page, table of contents, and then the information presented in fact form with a supporting picture for each.

I can't say enough good things about how great Miss Allan was as a 1st grade teacher for Izzy.  Just this evening as I put Izzy to bed she teared up and told me she didn't want to leave the 1st grade and Miss Allan.  Dealing with Izzy's medical issues this school year has been quite trying emotionally on me (not sure Izzy really thought much of it honestly) and Julie Allan was so wonderful.  She treated Izzy with the delicate touch she needed.  Examples would include:  Izzy failing to write down #4 on the spelling problem, Julie would simply go back at the end of the test and repeat the words Izzy failed to fill in...math timed tests if Izzy appeared to not complete the typical number she would retest her at another time.  And really, she would just wait out a seizure, like we do at home, and then restate what she was saying to Izzy.

I found a great idea on Pinterest - each year have your child's teacher sign the book "Oh the Places You Will Go" by Dr. Seuss.  At the end of 12th grade it will make a neat keepsake for Izzy.  Here is what Miss Allan wrote.
Izzy, I know your first grade year with me was at the beginning of your journey, but I hope when you reach the end of high school the following things are still true: I hope you are still a kind and caring girl, I hope you are still creative and love learning.  I hope you still cherish your friends and enjoy being helpful.  As a first grader you were a ray of sunshine and a joy to teach!  I hope your life is filled with joy and that you remember the life lessons of 1st grade - be kind, care about each other, care about our earth and think for yourself.  I am proud of you!  Love Miss Allan

And here is what Miss Allan wrote on Izzy's stellar report card.
Izzy is going to be an awesome second grader.  She is finishing the year reading well above grade level.  She enjoys writing and grasps the concepts of organization and details.  She has grasped most math concepts with ease.  Keep her reading, writing and practicing math skills all summer.

She finished the year with her report card showing all "C's" - which means "the student consistently and independently mastering grade-level at this time."  Most of the year she had "c's" except for an occasional "S" (meeting grade level with some assistance) in "tells and records time to the half hour" and "represents the place value of digits to 999".  Both of these "S's" occurred last grading period.

So here is the low down on some Izzy stats based on the progress report that was sent home each week.  Chances are years from now I will have no idea what this even means!

Every day Izzy was given a color code based on behavior with green being the best.  I am super proud, and not surprised, that Izzy was on green!

Izzy started her reading level at a 10 (mid-1st grade level) and knew 91/100 sight words.  The words she missed were: use, these, would, write, people, water, been, oil and made.

End of December:
reading level of 17 (end of 1st grade level) reading with 97% accuracy and 100% comprehension
98/100 sight words.  missed: oil, these

End of February:
reading level of 23 with 96% accuracy and 100% comprehension

March the school switched to a new assessment program and reading levels are based on a letter system.  She was given a reading level "L" with 98% accuracy, 10/10 comprehension points, and a reading rate of 46.  46 is slow as the average is 90-120.  I found this surprising because I thought she read at a pretty good pace, but nonetheless her teacher suggested reading easier materials to increase her speed.

April: last reading level given was a level "M".

Spelling:  Izzy started as a late stage letter name speller and finished the year as a late stage with-in word pattern speller.  I don't know what any of that means, but hopefully will use it as a reference once Drew begins 1st grade.

Some Izzy stats per her (she is sitting next to me)

Favorite color: purple
Favorite food: steak
Favorite song: Call me Maybe
Favorite tv show: Shake it Up
Favorite Game: Club Penguin (on the computer)
Favorite Friend: Averie
Favorite Books: Katie Kazoo Switcheroo



Jaclyn said...