Saturday, October 6, 2012

Funny Drew

While in Greensboro this past July, Drew had his very first sleepover at a friend's house.  It was with his buddy William and it couldn't have gone better!   The next day William's mom told me how funny Drew was and recalled an incident from the night before.

Drew:  "I might get up tonight to have a midnight snack."

Linda:  "Do you typically get up and have a midnight snack?"

Drew:  "No.  But I think I will start tonight.  ...long pause... "but I won't actually know if it is midnight or not because I can't tell time. it might be a little before midnight or a little after midnight."


Drew while in bathroom doing his business...
"Mom, I just pooped so big that it felt like a spear was poking my butt after I finished!"

Drew's kindergarten logic: "Tomorrow it is only 10 more days til 6 more days til my birthday" (birthday is the 26th)

Last week was a rough one for Drew at school...lots of tears. So I say to him, "Hey Buddy, let's try and have a no tear day at school. How does that sound? What do you think?" He replies, "Well, okay I can try ...(long pause)...but most likely that won't happen." Lord help me with that boy~

Drew: "mom, next time you discipline me can you not make me cry?" ...probably not Drew. Chances are if I am disciplining you to the point of tears then you are lucky that is as bad as it got :) (this is coming from the boy who has also asked me not to use my "stern voice" when disciplining him)

Drew while he was in the bathroom taking care of business:  "Wow, I just pooped so hard that I bet I pooped out tomorrows poop too!"

We may have turned a corner with Drew and school - day 8 of no tears and as we are doing his reading he said, "School is so cool. It is 6 hours of FREE LEARNING!" I asked if his teacher told him that and he said, "No. I just figured it out myself."