Monday, April 21, 2008

Just do it...

Well, I suppose the best way to blog is to just do it. So, since Pete is gone for the evening at a business dinner, I have grabbed a glass of wine and decided to give this a shot. Here goes...

First we need to go over the ground rules. By ground rules I mean why/how this blog will work. This blog will be written as often as possible. The reason for the entries are to simply keep track of all the "what doings" in our life. I am not writing this for any other reason than to remember my children's early days. If family, friends, and others decide to read then great. If not, well that is fine as well.

We are the perfect family :) Dad, Mom, little girl and little boy. Isabelle is 3 and Drew is 18 months. The two of them call all the shots! They are the reason that I get up everyday and the reason for 99% of what goes on daily. They are truly gifts from God and in my opinion PERFECT. Sure we have our moments, but even those moments make for great stories - well, most of the time.

Izzy goes to school two days a week from 9-12. One day a week she stays until 1 for "lunch bunch". Izzy's teachers have said she is the perfect student. She is quite the talker (has been since 18 months) and continues to amuse them with some of the statements that come out of her mouth. Izzy often tells me about the kids who have had to "sit by the teacher" or "had to be talked to", but she is quite proud that neither have happened to her.

Drew is my lover boy and has been since day 1. He is all boy: no fear, loves to eat ALOT, climb and chatter! He is his sister's best friend, but also her biggest nemesis. He and I really enjoy our alone time together when Izzy is at school. Drew has recently (one week ago) started Soccer Tots. While he hated the first week I am hoping he will like it as it is something for just the two of us to do.

I could go on and on and on about the kids, but I will just slowly add in details about each one with future posts.

A couple funny things from today that I want to make sure to remember...both were quotes by Drew. We were playing hide-n-seek upstairs and Drew and I hid in my closet. Izzy opened the door to find us and Drew said "Oh sucks (shucks)" and then "Oh phooey". Both were accompanied by hand motions - the "oh man" hand gesture that Swiper makes. At one other point today I wiped Drew's nose (he has the tail end of a cold and is teething) and after I did it he said "Thank you Mama". It was too cute!

Okay, since this is my first official blog post I am going to wrap this up and try to publish it. Hopefully as time goes on I can learn to upload pictures and videos - cause my kids are WAY CUTE!


Kristin said...

I'm your first comment! Woot!

What a lovely first post...glad you started a blog! LOVE your template, by the way...I'm working on changing mine soon too.

Welcome to this thing we call "The Blogosphere".