Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Guess Who

...can ride a two wheeler?


I don't have pictures, and the video that was shot doesn't even do the chick justice. Pete took Izzy on Sunday for about 30 minutes to introduce her to the whole "no training wheels" concept. She did really well - even riding unassisted for a few feet.

Well today, Wednesday, I took her for her second shot at it (we go to the pool to practice on the flat grassy area) and she rocked it! When we began I would keep her steady while she got on, and then hold on for a couple seconds - well by the end of our 45 min. I was barely helping her start to pedal and she was easily going 500feet. The only reason she had to stop was because she ran out of grass. For those that know our pool area she could go from the sidewalk to the tennis courts. Hooray for Izzy!

In other news - we have now lost out on our second Charleston rental. As it stands we have a possibility, but it won't be vacant until January. Surprisingly I am not all that freaked out by the prospect of spending Christmas in a hotel? ...if we play our cards right then I will get breakfast made for me :-) and my bed made!

Since my head is spinning in a million directions, and I need to finish cleaning (aka: throwing out) the kids old toys while they sleep, I'm gonna sign off now!

Oh, house appraisal is tomorrow. Not worried :-)


jac said...

way to go Iz!

I am so excited for your move! and if you can't tell by Mike's many msgs regarding visiting for the wine fest - we'd love to come this spring after we get back from our trip!

excited to see Pete in a few weeks...wish you guys were able to come too!