Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It Was One of Those Days

...that just got uglier and uglier as it went on. It was my fault for not napping the kids. What was I thinking?

Just when I thought I could take no more.

Just when I thought it might be better for me to walk outside to get away for a moment.

Just when I really wanted to sit down and cry right along side of them.

Just when I wanted to drop kick them.

They went and did this...




Got all cute and cuddly on me and started playing nicely together.

I have a feeling my days are going to yo-yo from one extreme to another at any given moment. Those two will either be the best of friends or the worst of enemies!

*on a side note, I know I am always saying how cute Drew is, but look how pretty my Izzy girl looks!


Alisha said...

Praise the Lord that another Mom admits she wants to drop kick her kids!