Monday, May 4, 2009

I Know, I Know...

Shame on me for not updating the blog in SO LONG. Truth be told, I keep putting off blogging about our Florida trip and the more time that passes the less appealing it seems. Why is it that I can blog about the daily tasks, but can't seem to blog about the really exciting stuff? I think it just seems so overwhelming.

Well, although my kids were both in bed before 7, tonight won't be the night that I finally do an update. I HAVE finally labeled the Magic Kingdom pictures and am in the process of uploading a few. However, my super sweet and wonderful husband picked me up a movie with the free Redbox code today. I don't know what is in the air, perhaps just a bunch of pollen, but he has been the greatest husband recently! I am totally digging him these days :)

Life is good.

I promise. I promise that Magic Kingdom is coming soon ;)