Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Drew's 1st Day of Preschool

I knew when Drew woke up twice in the middle of the night demanding ice cold water that he probably wasn't feeling well. In fact, after his bath I noticed a rash, but thought maybe the water was a little too warm, or it could have been caused by the new detergent I was using. Turns out neither was the reason for his rash.

He woke up this morning G.R.U.M.P.Y! What was supposed to be his first day of preschool would now be spent at the doctor's office.


The rash that less then 12 hours earlier was only on his trunk was now covering his entire body, face, as well as the top/bottoms of his hands and feet. He was a drooling fool because he couldn't swallow but still continued to ask for every food imaginable. Oh yes, it was going to be a fun day!

Diagnosis: Scarlet Fever.

Once I was back home I posted a status update on my FB page to let people know what the doctor said. I was then slammed by people who questioned my skills as a mom. I was made to feel negligent and I went so far as to do the ugly cry. It was possible I was due for a good cry and that contributed to it...but I was hurt - so very hurt. I was made to feel like due to my neglect, Drew's strep throat had gone untreated for days therefore leading to scarlet fever. I won't go into details, but after reading a bunch of articles I no longer feel like an awful mother. Drew showed no typical symptoms of scarlet fever and I took him to the doctor the same day he told me his throat hurt, and a mere 15 hours after I noticed the rash.

Hopefully Drew will get to have his first day of school on Friday, but if not then he should certainly be good to go on Monday.


Christie said...
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Christie said...

I can't believe they made you feel like a bad mom. That's ridiculous. Ingemar had scarlet fever a few years ago and never had any idea he had had strep throat. It happens.

Oh, and that is my deleted comment. I was trying to correct a mispelled word and accidentally deleted it!hingim

Jac said...

You are an amazing mom! Your kiddos are very lucky to have you. Hope you guys are back to feeling 100% before the wknd!

Kristin said...

I hope you unfriended them all. What a load of crap. Everyone knows you're a fabulous mom who is completely in tune with her children. Clearly those two are your world!

Hope Drew Drew feels better very soon! Sounds rough!

Lyndsey Hall said...

I didn't even realise that scarlet fever and strep were related! How unfair of people to say that to you, I really don't understand folks. You are one of the best mums I know and I envy you so much for the things you do with your kids and the obvious love you have. Never doubt yourself. Lyns

Les said...

I too hope you unfriended them Molly, that is messed up and I'm sorry you had to read that crap. I hope Drew feels better soon and I hope that you can forget whatever ignorant comments were posted by uninformed people. Anyone with a kid knows that they won't always tell you when something hurts. Take care

~aj~ said...

Oh Molly, it hurts my heart to think that people were so cruel to you...especially when your sweet boy was so sick. Some people are just idiots and I'm so sorry that happened to you.

Hopefully Drew is feeling MUCH better and you can take assurance in the fact that you are a fabulous mom.

Mommy&Daddyof2kiddos said...

Oh Molly...I agree with everything posted are a super awesome Mommy! I can't believe people would think anything different. Love reading your blog but dislike what people said.

Mommy&Daddyof2kiddos said...

Oh Molly...I agree with everything posted are a super awesome Mommy! I can't believe people would think anything different. Love reading your blog but dislike what people said.