Friday, September 10, 2010

Drew's First Day of Preschool Take 2

He didn't look pretty, but he said he was ready to go! I asked Drew last night if he wanted to go to school tomorrow and he said "yes"! I figured he must be doped up because that is not a typical Drew response. Last year he cried up until Christmas when I would drop him off. I think part of his excitement comes from the love Izzy has for school. Whatever the reason I'll take it!

I figured I would play it by ear and see how our morning went. Well the boy declared "I can swallow again. I don't need to take anymore of dat pink medicine." Smart kid, huh? He can't stand the taste of the amoxicillian.

Nothing but smiles this year!


Getting ready to go in

Once inside I showed him where his name was to hang his things and then we waited for his best bud William - after a quick goodbye hug (he doesn't like "tisses") I was out.

When I picked him up he immediately told me he was hungry and wanted to go home and eat. From what I gather he had a great first day. He said he cried once on the playground because he was ready to go back inside - but other than that no tears. to see how day 2 goes.


Jac said...

He looks so handsome on his first day! Glad he feeling better :)