Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Purple Day

*Please note that all the following pictures were taken with my new camera on the auto setting. What the heck? They SUCK! Any advice/input/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ...and don't tell me to read the manual cause I will eventually get around to doing that. I am looking for a quick fix if there is one?

So, as you have probably figured out by the title, it was purple day. ...wearing her most fancy purple top - a gift from one of her most favorite people!

Today was day 2 of Izzy riding the bus home, but my first opportunity to take some pictures. We walked to the bus stop (me, Drew and Chloe) and found a mini party! The house the kids get dropped at is a house of 4 boys. Drew was in heaven with a garage full of scooters, green machines, and boy toys. They also have a 9 week old yellow lab puppy that Chloe got to play with. But the biggest treat was when Kristin (her daughter Laci is in Izzy class) rolled up in this!

Kristin ended up taking all the kids for rides and I am pretty sure if we weren't moving this might be our next purchase. So fun!

Here comes the bus...



Mom Brag coming up...
I tend to get the most dirt on Izzy's day as I tuck her into bed. Last night she was telling me about her day and mentioned that the neighbor of a girl in her class got the "Listener of the Day Award". Since this was the first I had heard of this award I asked her to tell me about it. From what I gather at the end of the day the teacher is able to give you a ticket if you have had a great day - basically following all rules all day. These tickets then get placed in a box and the principle randomly draws a ticket the following day and announces the "Listener of the Day" over the loudspeaker. So yesterday was the first day from what Izzy can remember. She then told me that she was one of three kids in her class that got a ticket! I told her how very proud I was and that she will get to eat off the special plate. She didn't quite get why I thought this was such a big deal, but I assured her that anytime a teacher recognizes good behavior is a HUGE deal and one that we want to know about and celebrate! I am reminded daily of what an awesome kid Izzy is and couldn't be more proud!

Oh, and for grandparents, aunts, uncles, or anyone...there is a mailbox outside of Izzy's classroom. Each day that mailman delivers mail and Izzy's teacher reads it to the students. The kids LOVE to get mail. I plan to write a letter to Izzy once a week, but if anyone else wants to send Izzy a letter just email it to me and I will pass it along to the teacher. She would LOVE to hear from everyone!


Kristin said...

This was your DSLR? Is your lens on auto focus or manual focus?

Check that. On Nikons there is a little switch on the lens itself that says "A" and "M". Make sure it's at A. If it is and your other stuff is truly on Auto (probably green on your wheel) and you're getting shots like that, I'd take it to the store. Something is up!

Kristin said...

I don't know what kind of camera you have, but since I have a Nikon and it's all I know I explained it that way. If you have a Canon or something else I'm sure it's similar.

Kristin said...

The first one doesn't look very in focus the outside ones look totally overexposed. weirdenss. Hope you figure it out!

Erin said...

Hey, Molls. Your shutter speed is too slow. That is why the pics are bright and blurry. Your shutter was taking too long to open and close. Anyway, it shouldn't do that on auto, but the fact that the indoor shot of Izzy isn't overexposed but is blurry leads me to think that is the issue. Two things to check before returning it:
1. Make sure it was on auto. Sounds silly but the A on some cameras means Apeture Priority, not Auto!
2. Check your ISO. That is how sensitive to light your camera is. It should be at 200 or 100, unless you are shooting fast motion. Your auto setting should've compensated for a high ISO, but who knows.

Hope you figure it out!

Anonymous said...

Izzy, I love purple too! It is my favorite color! Timmy and Chris had to start school 2 weeks ago.
Molly, thank you for taking the long drive to visit, it was so nice to see you and the kids! Timmy can't stop talking about what a great swimmer Drew is. He was so sad Drew got sick, he was looking forward to playing with Drew more but happy he got to hang with Izzy a little. Much love,
Aunt Sue

Jac said...

I love reading how excited Izzy is for school things! Both kiddos are certainly to be proud of!! Loved Iz in the purple shirt and pigtails :)

Cyn said...

Hey, let the teacher know Aunt Cyn and the girls will write. Sara Rose loves to write letters! We can send her a letter about our trip to the mountains!