Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pete's Birthday

Poor Pete...his birthday was on a work day - and a busy one at that. He left at 6:30 that morning and didn't get home til shortly after 6:30 that night. I guess the good news is was he was home. He literally walked in the door to hiding children and this on the table.


The kids love to celebrate a birthday round here! Drew figured out what he was going to get Pete for his birthday weeks ago and never once gave his gift away. Pete of course knew what it was, but not because Drew told him.


Izzy was excited to give Pete a book that she had picked up just for him at her book fair earlier that day.


And then "my" gift to Pete was surf lessons. I am hoping a couple of his friends will be able to join him, but if not that's okay too. He has been commenting about wanting to learn to surf and now that we are mere miles from the ocean it is perfect.

I wish we could have spoiled Pete all day long, but truth be told this was so much easier :) ...and Father's Day is just around the corner!

(dual cakes: Izzy wanted to get him an ice-cream cake - which is what Pete wanted. Drew wanted to get him a cookie cake - which is what Drew wanted. Rather than argue (cause who really argues 2 cakes?) we got both!)