Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of 1st Grade

I am now the proud mom of a 1st grader. Crazy, huh?



To say that Izzy was excited for the first day of school would be an understatement. Last night she was asking how long until bedtime because she wanted to go to sleep knowing when she woke it would be time for school. Unfortunately it took her nearly 2 hours to fall asleep!


...and a picture just wouldn't be complete without Drew hamming it up. This boy just cracks me up. Weirdo.



...the boy just loves his sister somethin fierce!

Last year I would walk Izzy into school each day. Today she decided to go through the drop off line (hooray!). We met her best friend Averie (who is also in her class - SCORE!) and her mom at Harris Teeter and then we followed one another over to school. I thought it would be a madhouse waiting in the car line, but it turns out everyone was walking into the school so we pulled right up to the front doors. Both girls got out of the car off they went.

Izzy was visibly tired when I picked her up from school, but once she got home, had a snack and watched a show she was ready to fill me in on her day. ...and what a day it was! She filled me in on who sat at her table, who was in class with whom last year, who had what for snack, and who the "trouble makers" might be. She also informed me that beginning tomorrow she would like to ride the bus home. I'm not sure I am ready for that:( but I guess I don't really have a good reason not to let her ride. The crazy part is she doesn't even have a friend on the bus? Chickie just wants to ride it. I am not going to lie...it will make my life easier, but I will also miss some of the moms I would chat with while waiting for the kids after school.

Perhaps my favorite part of her new 1st grade class is that the teacher called me this evening just to see how Izzy said the day went and to see if I had any questions. How great is that?!?! I also found out that I will get to help every Monday with reading groups. I am beyond excited to be able to be in Izzy's classroom every week!

Izzy loved that I made the explanation points into smiley faces. Isn't that funny that something so simple (and something I wasn't sure she would notice/understand made her so happy).

I think 1st grade is off to a fabulous start!


~aj~ said...

I love that she had such a great first day! So grown up and independent. Where did our babies go?

Oh and the photo bombs by Drew honestly had me laughing out loud. Love the bed head. ;)

Jac said...

First grade?! Great start to the school year!