Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kid Funnies~

Me: Drew! Did you just spill your milk?
Drew: Uh uh uh, Mom, it wasn't me! My milk has a mind of its own...a very bad one.

After getting in the car from camp, Izzy looked at her wrist and said, "Mom, look how purple my roots are right now!" (she was talking about her veins)

Drew: "Mom. I'm the only one in our family who knows what their poop looks like."
Me (with a serious look of concern on my face): "What are you talking about?"
Drew: "I am the only one who knows what their poop looks like cause I watch it come out of my heiney".

While watching the Smurf movie Izzy commented "that must be Gargamel's new lair".

Also while watching the Smurf movie ...a taser gun was used on Gargamel. I then had to explain to Drew what a taser gun was and his immediate reply was an exuberant, "I want one of those!"

Izzy has been asking to get her ears pierced on and off for a few weeks. There are two things holding her back: me saying "no", and her fear the needle will really hurt. Yesterday she asked me why I have a deep line between my eyes. I told her it is from worrying, smiling and scolding. She then suggested we could both get something done we want that involves needles...ears pierced for her and botox for me. I guess when your 6 year old suggests it then it just might be time to consider having it done!