Monday, August 29, 2011

Izzy Update

Thanks to all of those that have send encouraging words and prayers regarding Izzy. It means SO much! Unfortunately the meds that Izzy needs aren't commonly carried at the pharmacies...I wasn't aware of this. So, her medication needed to be ordered and will be in this week. We will begin medicating her for the seizures on Friday evening.

In the meantime I have a boy who started school today! He is certainly worthy of his own post and since I now have 3.5 hours, 5 days a week to myself I will post his pictures tomorrow :)


Cyn said...

To Izzy, Molly, Drew and Pete...yes in that order. I am praying for you all and am thinking of you! I hope this just all goes away! Love and hugs to you all!

Auntie Cyn