Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fab Fotos 2010

I need to interrupt Drew's birthday celebration (post below this one) to bring you some fantastic pictures of the kids.

As a biased mom, I think my kids are pretty darn cute. One of the things I love most about them is the relationship they share with one another. I can't help but get that warm mushy feeling inside when I see them getting along and loving on one another. For example, over the weekend Pete made a big leaf pile for the kids to jump in. I heard Drew begin to cry and as I looked out the kitchen window I noticed Izzy brushing the leaves off his clothing and then lean in to give him a kiss. I mean really, come on, how sweet is that????

While obviously I think my kids are cute, I must give credit where credit (and we are talking major credit) is due...our photographer ROCKS!!!! She is just one of those honest to goodness, kid loving, I will work my a$$ off to get you a great picture, kind of person. I feel blessed to have met her, and honored to be able to call her my friend. Check out the latest and greatest pics she took of Izzy and Drew!

Be very very jealous ;-)


Alisha said...

Way to make a girl cry!