Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Random Stuff

The post just below this one made reference to Izzy and her first crush. I mentioned how after Drew's game she snaked over towards the field he was playing on. I forgot that I snapped this picture. I wonder what a body language expert would gather from this?


Look what Drew made at school...why did I never make these at home?

See how happy he looks wearing them?

And look who wore these same ears two years ago when she had the same teachers! Holy cuteness! How cute is Izzy in all her baby chub (she was still 3.5 when this was taken vs. Drew just turning 4)...and look at her pleated skirt and knee socks!

Today Drew and I went to school to have lunch with Izzy. I have been a couple of times before, but had never taken Drew. I wasn't sure if he was "allowed" or if he would behave? Turns out he is most welcome and is very good when told the rules of the lunchroom. I see many more lunch dates in our future.


And just for the record, Drew and Izzy still sleep together...but only on the weekends. Now that Izzy has started school, I wake her at 6:15. A good day doesn't have Drew up before 7:15. So, on the nights during the week when Pete is gone, both kids "camp out" on their air mattresses in my room. I have one mattress on each side of my bed. Then on the weekends they get to sleep together in the guest room. Until Pete started travelling I was not a fan of kids in our bedroom. Well, Izzy soon became my bed buddy...and once Drew smarted up to our plan, he wanted in too. Since all three of us don't sleep well in the bed (the kids move around a lot!), I put them on the floor. I actually really like having all of us in the same room. Weird, huh?

Here they are a couple weekends ago

And while they may share the bed, they both insist on separate blankets. They don't even sleep under the comforter on the bed, nor use their own comforters. Somehow each one has adopted a random blanket from the house and insists on using it every night they sleep together. Yup...love those two wackos!



~aj~ said...

Oh yay! I'm going to pretend you shared those pics just for me! What precious sleeping angels you have and I don't blame you a bit for wanting them nearby when Pete is away.

And 3.5 year old Izzy in her little socks? Oh my word what a doll.