Monday, January 3, 2011

New Schools

I have been dreading this day for the last two weeks (though I think I will dread Wednesday more). Today was simply to see the school, get paperwork in order, and possibly meet the teachers.

We headed to Drew's school first. He will go M-W-F from 9-12:30. Funny thing - this class uses the same "frog" symbol for names/folders that Drew used at his old school. Creature comfort :) His class has 12/13 kids and is boy heavy. The kids went around and introduced themselves and told us something they got for Christmas. I think all but one boy talked about a gun/laser of some sort they received. 4 year old boys are the same no matter where they live!

Izzy's school is AMAZING! I was over the moon impressed with her last school, but this one might give it a run for its money. The one thing I don't really like is that is is HUGE - 15 kindergarten classes (there were 4 at her last school). Each class very large, very bright, full of toys and lots of fun "creative" learning elements. Another plus is that each classroom has a smart board - this is something the PTA was hoping to purchase for each class at Izzy's old school.

Our plan is to meet Izzy's new teacher tomorrow (Tuesday) and then both kids will start Wednesday. Wish me luck...I don't do well with both kids out of the house :-( ...and Pete will be gone too!

She's a "Loggerhead" ...and he wanted to get in on the picture.

*Izzy's teacher just called me and she was one of the teachers that I met today. We viewed her classroom and I was immediately impressed by all the different centers taking place at one time with all the students behaving so well (especially since it was the first day back after break!). She told her class that the little girl who stopped by today (Izzy) was going to be a new student in the class and the students all cheered. I told this to Izzy and she got a sweet little shy grin on her face.

The following note is a letter from Izzy's teacher in NC to her new teacher in SC. I was touched when Izzy's "old" teacher said she would write a note to help Izzy's "new" teacher get to know her. I was equally as impressed when I heard that Izzy's "new" teacher was excited that her "old" teacher took the time to do this. I am confident that her "new" teacher will be just perfect for her!

To Isabelle Swyt’s kindergarten teacher:
I thought it might help to give you some information about Isabelle’s academic and social progress so far in kindergarten. First, I know you’ll love having her as a student. She has been such a pleasure to teach – always eager to learn and constantly giving her best effort. Isabelle (Izzy) is an excellent student, well-behaved and conscientious.
In math, we’ve spent most of the time doing lots of mental math and working with manipulatives. Izzy can count by 1’s. 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to 100. She is able to write all numbers and knows how to compare numbers using the greater than and less than symbols. We’ve studied graphing, ordering, and positional words. We’ve just started learning 3D shapes so Izzy’s been introduced to the cone, cylinder, sphere, and cube as well as the 2D shapes. She’s just starting to learn to add single digit numbers.
In writing, Izzy is learning to come up with at least one sentence (plus illustrating it), using phonics to spell the words. Her fine motor skills are good and she’s able to write all letters.
In reading, Izzy was successful when tested at a Level 4 (using the Developmental Reading Assessment). That would put her above grade level in _ County. She’s learned many of the high frequency sight words. She’s also able to retell the story at a Level 4.
Socially, Izzy is well-liked by everyone. She’s a quiet leader in the classroom and is usually the one chosen to sit beside or play with when the others are given that option. She’s a kind friend, generous and quick to share her things. She may not always volunteer the answer or demand attention, but you can count on the fact that she’s listened carefully and has figured out the answer.
I know she’ll continue to do well in your classroom. Her friends and I already miss her very much.


Cardio Kidz said...

What a sweet letter Izzy's teacher wrote. I'm impressed by all the things she can do! So excited for Izzy & Drew for their new school, but hugs to Mama for when she drops them off that first day :)

~aj~ said...

Man, I must be a hormonal mess today because that letter actually made me tear up! It's just so sweet that Izzy's old teacher thought so much of her and noticed her for the wonderful little girl that she is.

It sounds like things are going to go great for both Izzy and Drew at their new schools. I just hope mama does okay too!