Monday, January 10, 2011

The Star Wars Room

As luck would have it for our Star Wars Lego Wii loving son, his room at the new house is Star Wars themed! I have no idea who did these murals, but check them out.





However, the week before we moved here I bought bunk beds for Drew (yes, I SWORE I would never have bunk beds and I blame this purchase on Pete) but not seeing the room prior to the purchase I wasn't aware how very small Drew's room would be.


The entire room is now bed!



It works just fine because we have a bonus room which holds all the kids toys. In fact I wasn't sure I would even be able to get the drawers open (on the far side of his bed) for his clothes, but I am! The stairs leading to the top bunk are also drawers which provide more storage. One of my biggest reasons for not wanting bunk beds was because of the ladder aspect, and since I picked out this beauty in 10 min. flat with no feedback from Pete (other than a "go ahead to buy"), I was able to get these! the kids are happy and if we had to get bunk beds at least I got the set I really like.

*Izzy does have her own room at this house, but she chooses to sleep on the top bunk. Chloe sleeps on the bottom bunk (a full bed) with Drew. I rather like having all my babies in one space :-)