Sunday, July 26, 2009

Izzy-n-Drew Diving Board & Slide

Here is a video clip of both Izzy and Drew going off the diving board at our pool.

And here they are going down the slide.

I think Drew will be swimming unassisted within the next two weeks. It is shocking how after just two days of going off the board and down the slide he is already becoming more comfortable in the water. He is full of confidence and surprisingly eager to "learn" to swim.


Kristin said...

That's awesome! Easton is just now able to come up for air like you see Izzy doing...I'm so impressed that Drew isn't too far behind! Dalton SO isn't there.

Pam said...

Here I am uploading a video of Ian jumping off the board and browsing through your old post and wham...I see DREW jumping off the diving board. Well that humbles me:) Great job Drew and Izzy!