Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Mom Catch Me. Underpants!!!"

This evening Drew went off the diving board at the pool without wearing his vest. As he approached the end of the platform he yelled, "Mom, catch me. UNDERPANTS!!!" I have no idea why this is what he chose to say, but it sure was funny. He has been off the board two or three times before, but always wearing his vest. Our new pool manager does not allow the kids to go down the slide or off the board with vests on, so if he wanted to hang with Izzy and Rylie then he had to take it off.

Let me say that I honestly didn't think he would do it. A couple times over the past few weeks he has said he wanted to go off the board and when I told him to take off his vest, he would, but as soon as he got to the end of the platform he would change his mind. Tonight he took the plunge, literally. As I realized he was going to go through with jumping, my heart dropped. I suddenly got very scared because I wasn't sure how deep he would sink, and how quickly he would surface? Heck, I wasn't sure if I was going to have to dive down to pull him up? Thankfully he jump, and then popped back up. With the girls I grab them, let them catch their breath and then push them towards the wall. They are perfectly capable of swimming on their own the short distance. Well, Drew was not happy when I didn't catch and release him as I do with the girls. Somehow I didn't think tough love was the route to go with this lesson.

I thought I would share a couple pictures of other things that occur on our daily pool outings. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get Drew going off the board, but hopefully with Pete around this weekend we will get it on both video and in pictures!

Eating shaved ice.


Playing on the playground.

The obvious...swimming.


The fun doesn't end when we leave the pool. We get to walk/run/race home.
(notice the kids are in pj's...they get bathed in the outdoor showers, and then once we are home they get a snack, a show, books and are put to bed! bliss!)

I do love our summer days here in the 'boro, and will miss them SO much once we move.


Kristin said...

Why don't my kids "pop back up"? They go down and stay down till I pull 'em out. You think they're just too darn skinny?

I'm proud of Drew! WTG!