Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Drew and the Dentist

Drew had his first dentist appointment today. Well, kind of? If you remember about 10 weeks ago Drew fell at the pool and split his lip. The fall required stitches and brought tooth trauma. So, really his first appointment was after his tooth began to discolor and x-rays needed to be taken. He was a champ for that visit therefore leading me to believe that I could not get that lucky again. This is one time that I am happy to report that I was wrong!

As soon as we got to the office Drew asked why we were there (I barely prepped him). I told him we needed to show the dentist how great his tooth was doing and get some new pictures taken. I didn't even mention the teeth cleaning part. Drew's first question was, "Can I get a Patrick?" At our last appointment he chose a SpongeBob from the treasure drawer - now he needed a Patrick.

Since he barely ate breakfast before we had to get Izzy to school he snacked on apple slices in the waiting room.

Once we got called back we went through a series of questions. I am happy to report that the hygienist said that I am doing everything right :) ...she was most impressed by the fact we really only drink milk and water ...and an occasional juice box.

We were planning on doing the lap to lap method with Drew (he would sit in my lap, facing me and lean his head/body back into the hygienist's lap) but he wanted to sit up in the chair and recline. Here he is getting prepped with his shades.

Open wide.

Getting ready to floss with a quick demo on his fingers.

After a job well done he claimed his new toothbrush and Patrick.
After claiming Patrick, Drew immediately poked me in the boob and said, "Look Mom, Patrick has the same cymbals like you!" (not sure why he calls them cymbals - pretty sure he got that from Izzy - and not sure why she calls them that either?"


Drew's tooth has whitened back up which is an excellent sign. However, the x-rays did show some grey areas around the root which could still cause a potential problem. I'm not all that worried though. Chances are he will fall down a few more times...


Kristin said...

Cymbals?!?! *snort* Hilarious!!!!

And I'm so jealous of the successful trip after our last one.

~aj~ said...

Could he be any cuter in those shades?! Glad it was such a good visit!