Sunday, November 8, 2009


Drew told me tonight when I was trying to get him to go to sleep: "Mommy, I can't go to sleep unless you or Izzy are sitting in my room wiff me." I love how Izzy and I are interchangeable (is that a word) with one another.

Drew is no longer capable of sitting on a couch the "right" way. He insists on sitting like Mork, from Mork & Mindy.

Please don't take offense to this next story - I think it is funny, and it was said with pure child innocence:
Drew was watching something on tv yesterday and a black man said the word "really". Immediately Drew said to me, "Mommy that guy can't say "really" the right way...he says it "willy". Funny, right?

Drew said, "Tada! New is great!" when fixing something. I asked if he meant to say, "Good as new" and he laughed :)

Izzy got herself dressed one morning and I noticed that her shirt was on backwards (it did not have a tag, but rather just the company name written). I suggested she should turn it around. She looked into her shirt and I asked, "Are there some words in there?" She said "Yes, and it says 'This is on backwards!'" funny is she :)


~aj~ said...

Too funny. :)

"New is great!" I love it.