Thursday, January 14, 2010

Drew News

Today while dropping Izzy off at school I overheard Drew say, "We are going to get one of those when we move to our new house." He was in fact referring to a baby :-) Before you all jump to conclusions, I am NOT pregnant. I informed the other moms that there has been discussions regarding a third child, but we have also discussed getting a puppy and a swingset!

Drew started peeing on the potty about 4-6 weeks ago and has not had many accidents at all. Just like Izzy, he would ask us to put a diaper or pull-up on him if he had to poop. He has attempted to poop on the potty a couple times, but he gets very excited after the first "turd" hits the water and jumps off the toilet only to then have to go again as soon as you pull his pants up. ...aren't you all glad you are reading this? Well, today Drew came to me and said he had to poop and he needed to do it on the potty. I am happy to report that we have turned a corner and I might just now have a fully potty trained boy!

...and a couple things Izzy has said...
A few weeks ago I was drinking Starbucks late in the afternoon and Izzy asked if I drank coffee all day? I told her that "no, I usually just have a cup in the morning and then I am done." She then said, "Oh, cause then you just drink wine for the rest of the day." The worst part was it was so matter of fact! No Izzy, my little lovey, I don't start drinking wine until 5!

Tonight I used a "stemless" wine glass for the first time and Izzy asked me if it was because I broke all the handles off when I washed them. I have broken quite a few red wine glasses (they are super thin and I break them when I wash them) but I didn't realize she was so very observant. ...think I might have to start concealing my wine in a sippy cup - safe from small eyes and dishwasher safe!