Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Guess What She Can Do?

You see this pretty little thing?


Guess what she can do?

READ! ...well, not really...but kind of ;-) In the last 48 hours (basically since she turned 5) she has had an inner drive to learn to read. With school out this week we have worked on lots of sounds/word combinations. I broke out "Hop on Pop" which was the first book that I read and read it to her once. We went over some "basics" of reading and she is doing fantastic. Heck, for all I know she memorized it (hard to believe since I only read it to her once and it is kind of long) but she is SUPER DUPER proud of herself...and so am I! Even sweet Drew gets in on the action by saying, "Great job Izzy! You are reading it Izzy. You"re reading it!"

She will then teach Drew a couple words and let him read a page and then praise him with just as much excitement as he does her.

Can you feel the love?

We have been out of school ALL week due to snow/ice. I am happy to report that tomorrow is a 2 hour delay. Izzy will go to school (Drew is off) and take her birthday treat. She is also going to tell her teachers she can now read - hope they don't actually ask her to do so.

I am blogging from our "tv" which isn't as easy for me to do as it would be on my laptop. Therefore you get a quick post and only a single picture.

Later :-)


Corey~living and loving said...

Seriously cool huh? Sugar just started reading last week. it is adorable, huh?

Jac said...

Loved this post! I'm so proud of Iz! Sounds like Drew will be wanting to start reading soon too :)

Christie said...

Go Izzy!

Anonymous said...

Izzy, you are such a big girl! Happy Late Birthday! We are in many feet of snow too! Playing a little catch-up on A Daily Dose.
Uncle Bill was in Japan again. When he came home, Aunt Sue went to learn more magic tricks at a magic conference. Uncle Bill calls magic conventions "nerd camp". There are not a lot of girl magicians so everyone asks, "Are you an assistant?" It's nice to be home, even if I'm the only girl in the place *sigh* again. Love Aunt Sue