Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It was a cold rainy/snow/sleet mixture kind of day here in the 'boro. But we made the most of it!

To begin with the kids both had school today. Wednesday is my "long" day without the kids. Both are at school until 1:00. I miss them terribly while they are gone, and always seem to have grand plans of what I will do/accomplish only to let myself down. Oh well...on to our morning.

My mom called me while we were rushing to get ready for school. I answered the phone because it is unusual for her to call that early on a school morning. No worries, she just wanted to chat. We ended up talking for longer than expected and before I knew it the kids and I needed to rush to get out the door. The kids asked for a piece of candy and I said, "sure, if you get your teeth brushed and shoes on".

Once in the car they were allowed to have their candy. Drew had mini m&m's. I looked back at one point and it looked like his nose was bleeding. I asked him as much and he said "no". I then said, "Drew, is there an m&m in your nose?" He said, "yes, and I can't get it out!" Well CRAP! I thought we would be going from dropping Izzy at school to the ER. Thankfully I was able to get the m&m out while still in the car and then the hard candy coating remnants out once at school. Darn boy.

After school we came back home and I broke out craft stuff galore! We had the family room covered in pipe cleaners, bendaroos, stickers, coloring books, construction paper, various kinds of scissors, tape, glue, magazines, name it and it was out. We were crafting fools! While crafting our friends Delaney and her sister Mia came to play. Their mom had a doctors appointment and I said to bring them on over.

The three big kids decided to put on play after play after play for me. Izzy is the bossiest director EVER! She tells everyone where they will stand, and what they will say. What I don't get is why they listen to her? Anyway, here are a couple pics of some of the costumes used...many of which are old Halloween costumes and much too small.

This production had to do with pirates...

These girls are going to miss one another something fierce when we move. Delaney was Izzy first friend and one she has known since shortly after we moved here. I think they started playing together at 14 months?



The next production had to do with tinkerbell, a horse (giraffe) and princess. We also had Ragedy Ann and Ragedy Andy as well, but no photos of that one.




jac said...

their costumes are cracking me up!