Monday, May 24, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Long overdue, I know. But better late, then never.

Mother's Day was fantastic! When Pete had asked me what I wanted, my immediate response was some time to myself. I wanted to poke slowly through stores and sales racks, as well as some time at home to clean out my closet. I didn't need gifts, but rather time - time away from the little ones that gave me rights to the holiday in the first place. Pete being the smart guy he is suggested that I take Saturday to myself so that I could focus on the kids/family on Sunday. It sounded like a perfect plan to me!

However, Izzy had other plans. She woke up Friday night with a fever and thought she was going to be sick. She never did throw up, but she stayed in bed all day Saturday. The poor girl went between sleeping and lounging all day long. It was actually a perfect day - despite her being sick. We watched all the High School Musical movies snuggled up in my bed :-)

Sunday ...oh, sweet, sweet Sunday! It began with Pete making our regular Starbucks run. After coffee he made me breakfast. He made me crepes! Crepes with fresh berries and homemade whip cream. YUMMERS!!!


We didn't really do much because Izzy still wasn't feeling 100%. Pete did take them to run a couple errands which gave me a little time to myself. Then came the gift giving ceremony! I had told Pete that I didn't really want/need anything, but did give him a couple small ideas for gifts the kids could get me.

Pete went WAY overboard! The creative guy he is put together a series of gifts relating to "Mind, Body & Spirit".

For my Mind: Candles from the kids and a renewal to my Us Weekly subscription.

For my Body: Starbucks gift card and a couple mani/pedi gift certificates.


For my Spirit (or Spirits): a bottle of wine AND a subscription to the Wine of the Month Club. I am the proud recipient of one bottle or red, and one bottle of white each month. How cool is that?


*don't be jealous of how fabulous I look! I had gone for a run right before all these pictures were taken. ...and honestly, I can't remember if I even showered that day :-)

Pete also had my car completely cleaned out and washed. ...and gave me a couple gift certificates to have it done some more!

It can't go without mentioning another gift I received. My youngest brother Andy (the one who flies fighter planes for the Air Force) sent me flowers for Mother's Day. The card said, "Nice Work, Molly". How awesome is that? I got a dozen roses and calla lilies. That boy's mama sure raised him right...even if the real reason he sent them was because a girl who works at 1-800-FLOWERS is sweet on him :-)


Kristin said...

Way to go Pete!!! That is so awesome! Sounds like a great Mother's Day.

Cardio Kidz said... this post! You husband & your brother rock!
