Sunday, May 2, 2010

It is amazing what happens when you don't blog for a while. I received numerous phone calls this weekend asking "what's up". Hmmm, what do you mean? Well, apparently when I don't blog for a few days my family/friends begin to worry and pick up the telephone!

Me: Hello
Caller: Hey, how are you?
Me: Good. How are you?
Caller: Everything okay? Kids good? Any house news?
Me: We're good. House is still for sale - totally sucks! Kids are good. We got them tennis rackets and are going to play some tennis this weekend.
Caller: Oh. I was worried because I hadn't seen an update on your blog recently.
Me: ....I see. Well, thanks for picking up the phone and calling to check on us :-)
Caller: You sure everything is okay?
Me: Yes :-) Just took a blogging break, but am finding it interesting how many people call me now!

There is a small part of me that thinks I should just let everyone suffer and "make them" pick up a phone...but we have lots fun to share, so check back tomorrow for an update.