Monday, July 26, 2010

Countdown to School

I can't believe that in less than one month my firstborn will be starting Kindergarten. Sniff, sniff :-(

She is ubber excited! I can't help but be excited for her. She desperately wants to ride the bus to school. I told her that for the first couple weeks I will drive her, and then she might be able to ride it home. Her day starts VERY early. If she were to ride the bus to school she would get picked up just before 7. The first bell doesn't ring until 7:35 - with the school being maybe 2 miles away, I think I will drive her.

Her school ROCKS! It is our public school and is a school of excellence. This is saying quite a lot since many school around us aren't so hot...remember we are in the south. The principal is FANTASTIC! He greets the children in the morning and has lunch with them daily. He has been at the school for 5 years and has done some incredible things while there. He radiates enthusiasm and it sure is contagious.

We are fortunate that Izzy will be familiar with about 8-10 kids starting Kindergarten. There will be 4 Kindergarten classes and I am comfortable with any class Izzy is placed in. From talking to the principal, each teacher brings something unique to her classroom. I think Izzy could benefit from any of them and will trust that she will end up with the teacher she was meant to have.

We went to tour the school with Rylie and Stephanie. We were greeted by the principal, of course, and spent 90 min. just touring and talking about the school. I came away feeling as if I had made a real friend. ...and what a great feeling that is!

Look at these two cuties holding hands and getting ready to enter their future school for the very first time!
Drew is leading the pack and attempting to read the signs on the door.

Waiting out in the hall for the principal to give us the grand tour!
Drew was playing the role of the bus driver.

Always a good idea to check out the awards a school has won - and the recognition it has received!

Scoping out the library. While Stephanie and I talked the principal's ear off the kids got bored and decided to play "library". ...the role of the librarian was played by Izzy.

The first day of school is August 25th. Can you believe that? Less than one month away! I am not sure what Izzy will wear for her first day, but I do know what she will be carrying her lunch in :-)

Check out this beauty!

back view:

inside: ice pack and fun containers

Aside from the fact that I can change out the front/back faceplates (the Izzy cover - there are lots of different cover/backs to choose from) this entire lunchbox can go in the dishwasher. I am in no way a germaphobe. Heck, I let my kids eat food that they drop on the floor, drink out of cups a friend has used, eat cookies on the playground after getting off the get my drift...but the thought of food sitting in a lunchbox for 8+ hours a day, 5 days a week just grosses me out! Strange, huh? So, this lunchbox is all "eco" friendly and dishwasher safe! SOLD!....even if it was ridiculously expensive. (but we will use it for years - all we have to do is change out the faceplate). top it off, Izzy LOVES it! She wants to use it on a picnic tomorrow and I said "absolutely not! This is for school." Heaven forbid it doesn't look brand spankin new on the first day, right?