Thursday, July 8, 2010

Florida Continued

I really wish that I had more time in my day. More time to get all the things done that I want/need to. I have so many posts that I want to write - back as far as Easter - but I just don't seem to have/make the time these days.

So, continuing on with our Florida trip...while we made the trip down to Orlando for my Mom's 65th birthday we were able to have lots of other fun as well. A good time will always be had when Uncle Wes and Uncle Andy are around.

Check out Drew's face in this picture.

I am not sure whether Izzy has a crush on Uncle Wes or vice-versa? (truth be told she likes that Uncle Andy makes up silly names for toys and uses silly voices (ie: Squirty McSquirterson))


While we were there we did lots of swimming (except the one afternoon it rained and we saw Toy Story 3).



Papa got the kids each a putter and then took them golfing. Izzy was most excited that she got to keep her pink golf ball.

We spent some time just lounging around (Drew watching Mario videos on Pete's iTouch)

...and playing silly games (Drew's head above Pete's feet to make an really big person!)
...yup, we are easily entertained.

However, the highlight could have been Friday nite karaoke. Karaoke with the seniors! Nothin says rockin good time like "the elderly" (sorry Mom and Al) singing their hearts out. Omi even got in on the action - with her bowling group (aka: drinking buddies).

While I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and watching Izzy and Drew have a great time, at one point both my brothers were fully engaged in their smart phones.

Certainly Izzy and Drew had the best time - as well as providing entertainment to those watching them bounce around.

From them chasing colorful circles...

to playing leapfrog over the circles...

my favorite was them asking one another to dance and them dragging each other to the dance floor...




While I loved watching the kids dance together, one of my favorite moments of the weekend (or EVER) was when Drew said to me, "Mama, you wanna dance wiff me?" ...that kid had me from the moment he was born and hasn't stopped pulling at my heartstrings since!


Mommy&Daddyof2kiddos said...

ok...Molly....the comment about Drew and the heartstrings made me tear up......AWWEEE....So true for my little man too....I will never forget what you told me about having a little boy and you were ooooo so rightQ