Monday, December 6, 2010

Breaking News ...not

There are 19 days until Christmas

We are 99% sure we have a rental house to move into on Dec. 15th.

We close on our house one week from tomorrow.

We still don't have a moving company lined up to move us yet.

Surprisingly I haven't had a meltdown since the day before Thanksgiving and I really believe this is all going to work - and on time!


The English Language according to Drew (who still has problems with his L/W pronunciations)

Drew: "Mom, do you know that Leapster starts with both L and W?"

Me: "Really?"

Drew: "Yes. la-la-la Leapster OR wa-wa-wa Weapster."

Of course!


Anonymous said...

OK, how said is it that Aunt Sue is just finding this out! Good luck on the move, sounds like Izzy already has a new friend. Timmy learned to sew and has been busy sewing buttons on all his stuffed animals. Apparently they're not as snazzy as those american girl dolls.
Much love to you all.