Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our First Couple Days in Charleston

*Within the first 24 hours we had our first episode involving vomit.

*Within the first 48 hours our first house guest arrived.

*Within the first 72 hours bunk beds (something I swore we would NEVER own) arrived.

To clarify all of the above:

The stomach bug has been running wild among Izzy's class. I had been hoping for the last 2 weeks that it wouldn't hit her or any of us. Thankfully it didn't hit us while we were in the process of moving, but within 24 hours of getting to Charleston Izzy was throwing up. I can't complain though because that girl is a champ when it comes to puking. She walks right into the bathroom, hangs her head, holds her hair back and lets it fly. She only had one really bad episode and then was back to herself within 24 hours.

My brother Wes arrived on Monday. He is the first of our Christmas house guests to arrive. My mom and Al will arrive on Thursday. Uncle Andy and Nora will arrive on Friday. Nothing like a full house in a new house!

Pete promised the kids bunk beds. Those that know me are aware that the two things I said I would never own are bunk beds and a trampoline. ...we now have bunk beds. Izzy reminded me that, "Daddy promised us we could get them and you aren't supposed to break a promise." Hmmmm. Oh well, Drew needed bedroom furniture and in my irritated shopping frenzy I did purchase the "elite" among bunk beds. Pictures to follow shortly :-)

We are settling in quite nicely. The neighbors we have met seem to be really nice! They have a 3 year old daughter who is super cute and a dog. We have a fence between us, but there is a connecting door. The dogs run laps along the fenceline until we let them play. In fact the people here are so friendly that even Izzy commented while we were at Target. While in the parking lot I asked a lady if she was finished with her cart. She was, and as she gave it to me we struck up a conversation. A couple minutes later as we walked into the store Izzy said, "boy Mom, the people in Charleston are really nice, aren't they?" ...I sure do hope so!

I am looking forward to exploring all Charleston has to offer. We shopped a few stores downtown today and grabbed lunch with Wes, but Drew was a whiney mess so we finally bailed and headed home.