Friday, December 3, 2010


Izzy asks me, "Hey Mom, after Rylie and I get on the bus in the morning do you and Stephanie ever go back to our house and just drink wine?"

Izzy is learning about the First Thanksgiving at school. She was telling me about the Pilgrims and Indians (who can also be called Native Americans) and said, "Mom! Do you know that Indian children weren't allowed to talk unless their parents talked to them first?" ...those Indians sure were onto something :-)
*she has since informed me that it was the pilgrim children, not the Indian children who wait to speak.

Drew said to me, "William and I can't wait until we are 7 and 6." I asked him why, what happens then? He looked at me like I had 3 eyes and said, "Cause then we'll be bigger." Duh!

FYI TID-BIT FOLLOWS One day while driving a commercial came on the radio about scars. Izzy asked if I had a scar and I said yes from when Drew was born. She said, "That's right, Drew came out your belly and I came out your heiney." I corrected her and said, "actually Izzy you came out my vagina." Both kids laughed and then Drew got upset and said, "But MOM! I wanted to come out your 'bagina' too!!!" ...then he proceeded to request that next time he could "exit" that way.

Drew had a day/evening where he whined and tried my patience all day. I put him to bed (in my room since Pete was gone) and he came out to call for me three times. On the third time I yelled up to him, "Drew, I'm ignoring you because you are supposed to be asleep." He followed with, "Uh Mom, you might want to come up here cause I 'frowed up'." He wasn't crying or freaking out so I wasn't that worried. He met me at the top of the stairs and said, "Uh, I just frowed up a little bit. I think you can handle that, right?" Sure enough he had thrown up (not much-about the size of a quarter). I asked him what happened and he said that he put his hands in his mouth and then tried to grab that thing in the back of his "froat" and then just "frowed up". Ahhh, the life with a boy :-)


~aj~ said...

Oh that Drew is one funny boy!