Thursday, December 2, 2010

Daddy to the Rescue

Scene: Big handsome guy wearing a suit strolling down Michigan Ave. carrying coffee in one hand and Sally in another.

Sally is Izzy's bitty baby from American Girl. She and Lulu are Izzy's two most favorite dolls. Last week, Chloe got ahold of Sally and chewed off part of her fingers. When Izzy discovered this she was DEVASTATED!

As luck would have it, Pete goes to Chicago the week after Thanksgiving for meetings each year. I told Izzy that we would send Sally with Daddy to Chicago and he could take her to get fixed. I just assumed Pete would buy her another bitty baby (she was THAT upset that it seemed like the only solution). Well, I knew that the American Girl store makes mucho bucks by having a "salon" for the dolls and washing/styling their hair, but what I didn't know was that there is also a medical center.

Pete dropped off Sally yesterday...

(they gave Pete the clothes she was wearing and then put her in this little bitty pink hospital gown)

I get a bit misty eyed when I think of Pete all suited up, carrying his daughter's dolly down Michigan Ave. What a great dad! ...and I love even more that he snapped a quick picture to send to us!!!