Saturday, December 18, 2010

The MOVE in a Nutshell

Monday December 6th: still no idea if GE has found us movers to pack and move us.

Tuesday 12-7: We found movers and some guy shows up that afternoon to survey our junk and tell us the movers will arrive Thursday.

Wednesday: I am told the movers will arrive at 8am tomorrow morning.

Thursday: the movers show up to box our things. I was given two small areas to claim as my own. These areas were safe from packing. Pete was due home that evening. I spent the day getting sheets/towels washed so that they would be clean to put on the beds once we arrived in Charleston.

Friday: kids have school. Drew is there 9-12. I help one last time in Izzy's class and have lunch from 10-11:45. The afternoon is spent trying to pack "our stuff" and stay out of the way of the movers.

Saturday: the movers load the truck. A third mover had been called in to help load the truck and he happened to lock his keys in his car. I called AAA for the first time in 3 years. Pete leaves that evening around 6 to head to Charleston. The kids and I head to a hotel for the night.

Sunday: the movers meet Pete at our rental house at 8 to unload the truck. The kids and I wake at the hotel and decide we would rather spend the next two days in our house on air mattresses. We go for coffee and donuts and then head home. It is raining and since the garage is empty I decide to park in the garage. Ooops, I forgot I had the Thule on top of the car. I was forced to pull all the way in and later had Steve come help me take it off.

Monday: Izzy has school. Drew has school. I run errands and make calls to close accounts/get new accounts based on the move. I also pick up Chloe from the kennel to spend the night with us because we were missing her so bad. *oh, and it is SUPER cold today* I go to pick Drew up from school and my car BREAKS DOWN IN THE PICK UP LINE!!! I take Drew and Chloe into the church and call AAA for the second time in 48 hours. A kind soul took Drew home for lunch while I waited nearly 2 hours for AAA. I thought I handled the entire situation rather well until I realized that Izzy's outfit for the Nutcracker the next day was in the car. Thankfully I was able to borrow a friends car for the night and got retrieve Izzy's outfit.

Tuesday: Izzy goes to school - and to see the Nutcracker. I had always thought I would see this with her, but tickets weren't made available for parents this year. Drew went to Bob/Barbara's house THANKFULLY so I could take all our belongings to the garage. We were supposed to be out of the house by 1 (the closing) but since all things left were to go in my car, and I didn't have my car back yet, we were hoping I could store them in the garage. At 11:15 I got the call my car was done. I returned home from getting my car (so happy for so many great friends that came to my rescue) about 12:30 and had 30 min. to load SO MUCH CRAP into my car. 1:30 and I walked out of my house for the last time. I really thought I would be much more emotional, but I guess I was so focused on getting it all done that I didn't even shed a tear. ...weird. I picked up Drew and met Izzy at Kristin's house which was where we were staying for the night.

Wednesday: Izzy and Drew both have school and I run lots of errands. Wednesday after school we met up with lots of friends at Bumper Jumpers and had so much fun! Izzy and I were both given scrapbooks which are FANTASTIC - so many people said such kind words and took the time to contribute pictures. We slept at Kristin's again.

Thursday: SNOW DAY! We had freezing rain so the kids didn't have school. Izzy and Laci were sad because it was supposed to be pj day at school. They were going to do a Polar Express party and were told to wear pj's and bring a stuffed animal. We made the best out of it and did a few crafts: gingerbread house, construction paper chains, and perler beads. Izzy also went to Delaney's house to make Christmas cookies before we all headed to Rylie's house for the night.

Friday: SNOW DAY #2. ...and a very sad little girl on my hand. The main reason we didn't join Pete in Charleston last Saturday was because Izzy really wanted to do the "end of the week" school festivities. Her teacher even asked if she could stay, and since we weren't going to be starting school here until after the New Year, there was no reason not to stay. We went to lunch with friends; Target for dvd players; ...and FINALLY CHARLESTON!

We are buried in boxes, but finally all together. I feel like I should be much more fried after my past week...but for all the crazy that occurred I think I handled it pretty well if I do say so myself :-)