Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

How cute is this hat that Drew made a school!


He won't give me a decent smile with eyes open for anything these days!


Drew was all chatter yesterday when I picked him up from school about the silly things the leprechauns did to his class. Supposedly while out on the playground some leprechauns sneaked into his class and turned over chairs, took out a car and drove around in it, left their little leprechaun shoes behind as well as some gold coins.

This morning Drew and I walked Izzy down to her classroom just to see what mischief the leprechauns might have caused. The halls in her school were filled with VERY excited children! Some classroom doors had been locked forcing the kids to sit in the hall and wait for the janitor to let them in. Fortunately for us, Izzy's room was open...and boy did those leprechauns have a field day! Her teacher thinks they might have gotten into a green glitter fight by the look of things. Glitter was ALL over (hate to think who has to clean that up) the floor and tables. The chairs were overturned, St. Pat's Day hats were on various stuffed animals, the loggerhead sticks had been replaced with "bad behavior" sticks. The bathroom even had GREEN WATER in the toilet ;) One nice thing those silly leprechauns did was leave necklaces, bracelets and lucky four leaf clovers for all the kids!

I sure don't remember leprechauns doing anything like this back when I was in school? I have learned more "facts" from the kids the last couple days regarding leprechauns then I ever knew!


Anonymous said...

The boys and I always try to trap one, so we can get 3 wishes. We set up shoe box and oatmeal box traps. Since Leprechauns love to break the rules, the boys put signs on the box-trap's trigger like, "Don't pull this!" or "Don't stand here!" This year Timmy tried putting signs on his shoes that said, "Don't put candy in shoes!" and we found gold wrapped candy in them.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day to Izzy and Drew from Aunt Sue
PS. My leprechaun is totally stealing that green toilet water idea!
PPS Izzy and Drew, ask your Dad about Grandma making green food on St. Patrick's Day. Green oatmeal or green mashed potatoes.