Thursday, March 10, 2011

....Only Drew...

You may remember this picture from a couple days ago


This is Drew's latest obsession. He paints his face, usually to look like a dog, and then I wash it off. It really doesn't bother me that he does this because it keeps him occupied for quite some time and is simple to clean up.

Well today I asked Drew to wash his face/hands himself. After 10 min. or so I went to check on him and this is how I found him.



He was SO PROUD of his method for face washing that I couldn't help but laugh. I was so grossed out and tried to tell him that this was a toilet bowl brush and not to be used on faces. When the shock of it's used to clean TOILETS didn't phase him, I tried to tell him that he would scratch his face. His response was, "It doesn't hurt my face?" He then proceeded to show me how he put the hand soap on the brush and scrubbed his face.

...just for the record this is the same child that got sent to his room today for talking back to me. When I told him he could come out and apologize for how he behaved his response was, "...I can't apologize to someone who is mad at me." Fine by me. Let me know when you are ready to the meantime I will enjoy the quiet of having you in your room.


~aj~ said...

"Only Drew"....that gets uttered at our house quite a bit as well. :)

Oh, that boy! I cringed when I saw the brush. BOYS! They are so gross! Just yesterday I found Titus with our Clorox Magic Wand (the kind of toilet brush we use) with the end in his MOUTH. GAG!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am both laughing and stiffling a gag! Aren't boys fun?
Love Sue