Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Adjusting to School - Drew

Jack W, is Drew's best bud. Jack wasn't at school today and I was fearful how Drew would handle the situation (he didn't know Jack wouldn't be there). I am happy to say that when I asked Drew how his day was, he said, "I had a great day even without Jack!" I said that I bet it gave him a chance to play with some of the other kids in the class and he said, "Yup, it did. And a boy name Rylan even wants to have a playdate with me. He wants to come to our house, but is allergic to dogs so we will have to put Chloe in her cage."

Also, in Drew's folder today was an invitation to Evan's birthday party. I asked Drew if he liked Evan and he said, "Not really. Well, I don't really know him so well. So I would like to go to his party to get to know him better." While this might sound a bit "mean" to read it was in no way stated by Drew in such a manner. In fact it made me smile. Drew has had SUCHa hard time adjusting to school. The first 3 weeks of this year have been SO much better than last year.

Today was a big step forward for Drew. He survived school for the first time without his best bud by his side. Big plus! AND he wants to go to the birthday party of a boy he barely knows. Bigger plus! The boy is stepping out of his comfort zone and while it makes me sad that he is willing parting from my side, I know that this is a huge step forward and major developmental milestone for my little man.

He is also special helper at school. This means he also got to hold the flag and lead the blessing.


mike said...

Drew may want to spend some time studying the first amendment and learning about separation of church and state. thomas jefferson is rolling over in his secular grave. that "amen" at the end was unnecessary! ;)