Wednesday, September 14, 2011

1st Grade Sass Rap

So 'lil Miss Thang is all full of her 1st grade self. In fact today she came home, called her bestie Averie on the phone and then disappeared into her room to talk. She only got off the phone when she heard that Rylie wanted to Skype. Where has my little girl gone??? And then after homework, dinner and her bath she needed to talk to Averie one last time to discuss outfits for school tomorrow. Ah, the life of a first grader...

This is what we've got going on in the house these days. She is as cute as a button, sassy as can be (in a good way most of the time), and rocking first grade!


Kristin said...

I cannot believe how much she is reminding me of YOU, Molly...her little facial expressions and such. Oh my! That was totally cute. Where did that chubby baby with the sticky up hair and pretty bracelets go?

Christie said...

So cute...missing tooth and all. I watched it twice!