Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Drew's Cavities

Poor Drew has awful teeth just like his mama. The dentist kindly coined him as having "groovy" teeth. His grooves are so deep that it would be virtually impossible for him not get cavities. Yesterday I took Drew to have those cavities filled. Initially I was most worried about what I would do with Drew between 6:30 am when I woke him up to get Izzy to school and his 9 am appointment. He wasn't allowed to eat/drink anything and this is a kid who wakes up and immediately eats.

All went smoothly until 9 am. You see, I wasn't aware that the "twilight sleep" meds Drew needed to drink were a "you got one chance to drink it and only only one chance". Drew hates anything fruity smelling or tasting - Izzy isn't even allowed to eat gummies or go-gurts around him - and the meds were both. I tried to use a syringe and get it in his mouth but he spit it out. It was at this time the hygienist told me that she couldn't make up another dose. Well oh crap! If I would have known these meds were liquid gold then I would have tried much harder to get him to take them! I would have held him down and sat on him for crying out loud!

The twilight meds were not only to make Drew woozy for the procedure, but to make him unaware of what happened hence having no recollection of the needles, drills, fillings. Well I knew I was in trouble cause the boy didn't even drink the pink drink!

Once we were home and he was in the tub (cleaning off all the sticky pink medicine) I asked him if he remembered what happened after the girl took him from me. I said, "Did you go sit in a chair?" He said, "I sat on a board. And then they strapped me to it. I didn't like being strapped to the board." you think therapy will be in his future?